Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nosferatu Graphic Novel released, and more updates.

Hey there.

How've you been?

I know, I know. I've been gone for so long now, neglecting my DA page for... well, a long time! It's not you. No, no, It's me. Really. Ok, no stop, you don't have to start breaking things and yanking your hair like that. Let me explain.

Well, what's been keeping me busy:

Nosferatu - a Graphic Novel 88 years in the making! Written by Christopher H. Wolf -http://www.doompuppet.com, Lineart by Justin Wayne - http://mydyingrose.deviantart.com , and Color & Paint ups by yours truly - Sal aka 'thedarkcloak' - www.thedarkcloak.com .

So far, the reviews have been extremely positive!

You can find out more about the book here - www.bookofvampires.com
Also, amuse yourself and your friends by spreading the non-glittery vampire

You can order the book directly from me ($10 + S&H, roughly $4-6 additional, depending on where you live), just email me.

OR, you can also order the book directly from Amazon.com -http://www.amazon.com/Nosferatu-Christopher-Wolf/dp/0982711778

It is being distributed by Diamond Direct, also... so you can also order it through your local comic shop. In fact, go bother them right now, and ask them to get it in stock!

Here's a slew of reviews, and an interview, so you have an idea what you're getting yourself into:

The Pullbox - Interview with the Vampire - or at least the creative team behind the vampire? -http://thepullbox.com/2010/10/30/an-interview-with-a-vampire-or-at-least-a-creative-team-behind-a-vampire/

As for other stuff that has kept me busy... well, did a couple of big audio/sound design/music composition projects for a live show with my good friend Hanakia. We're hoping to put it all to video and make the show available through youtube in the coming months. Been getting my head back into the music vibe, and that's been really good. Looking forward to doing more.

I've also been doing some serious studying and going through a creative growth spurt of sorts for the last couple of months. I was given some great advice by my buddy, Chris, who said I should flesh out my portfolio with some more actual concept work, so I've been doing something fun with that. I'll be posting all of that stuff shortly!

Got some video projects lined up, as well as some more Intergalactic Kung Fu Zombies content which will be coming soon. Trying out & experimenting with additional tools & techniques for when I start doing the web ani-comic episodes!

Anyway... here's a sample page of the Nosferatu book, Enjoy!

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